I'm a Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University Institute for Computational Medicine mainly working with Dr. Alison L. Hill and Dr. Shaun Truelove. My research is driven by wanting to understand the mechanistic principles behind infectious disease dynamics and evolution with the focus to identify optimal pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions and public health policies. My research interests broadly include understanding the spread of infections both within individual hosts and across populations (including on complex networks), anti-viral immune responses, viral drug resistance as well as predicting the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions. I'm part of a larger team at Hopkins and at UNC that is involved in the development and utilization of flepiMoP (Flexible Epidemic Modeling Pipeline), a mathematical model of infectious disease dynamics which has been used for scenario projections and short-terms forecasts of COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus. This effort is a part of the CDC funded Atlantic Coast Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics and Analytics (ACCIDDA) that coordinates Insight Net, a Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics initiative aiming to build modeling and analytic capacity in health departments across the US. I am also collaborating with Dr. Mauricio Santillana's group at Northeastern University to develop disease forecasting methods using novel data sources and developing an uncertainty quantification framework for Bayesian inference of SIR-type models.
I got my PhD in theoretical physics from Harvard University in May 2021 supervised by Dr. Alison L. Hill. My thesis focused on understanding the evolution of drug resistance in fluctuating environments and understanding the role played by the structure of human contact networks on the spread of SARS-CoV-2. During my PhD I also gained some background in quantum field theory, neural networks, and evolutionary game theory (worked on creating the package DyPy , which is a Python library for simulating the evolutionary dynamics of matrix-form games). My undergraduate education was done at the University of Birmingham, UK where I received an MSci in Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics.
Vaccine failure mode determines population-level impact of vaccination campaigns during epidemics.
Da In Lee, Anjalika Nande, Thayer L Anderson, Michael Z Levy, Alison L Hill
medRxiv, 2024
Quantifying individual-level heterogeneity in infectiousness and susceptibility through household studies
Thayer L Anderson, Anjalika Nande, Carter Merenstein, Brinkley Raynor, Anisha Oommen, Brendan J Kelly, Michael Z Levy, Alison L Hill
Epidemics, 2023
The risk of drug resistance during long-acting antimicrobial therapy
Anjalika Nande, Alison L Hill
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2022
A systematic review of COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection and disease.
Higdon MM, Wahl B, Jones CB, Rosen JG, Truelove SA, Baidya A, Nande A, ShamaeiZadeh PA, Walter KK, Feikin DR, Patel MK, Knoll MD, Hill AL
Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2022
Bottlenecks, Modularity, and the Neural Control of Behavior
Anjalika Nande, Veronika Dubinkina, Riccardo Ravasio, Grace Zhang, Gordan J Berman
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2022
The effect of eviction moratoria on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Anjalika Nande, Justin Sheen, Emma L Walters, Brennan Klein, Matteo Chinazzi, Andrei H Gheorghe, Ben Adlam, Julianna Shinnick, Maria Florencia Tejeda, Samuel V Scarpino, Alessandro Vespignani, Andrew J Greenlee, Daniel Schneider, Michael Z Levy, Alison L Hill
Nature Communications, 2021
Dynamics of COVID-19 under social distancing measures are driven by transmission network structure
Anjalika Nande, Ben Adlam, Justin Sheen, Michael Z Levy, Alison L Hill
PLoS Computational Biology, 2021
Crowding and the shape of COVID-19 epidemics
Benjamin Rader, Samuel V. Scarpino, Anjalika Nande, Alison L. Hill, Ben Adlam, Robert C. Reiner, David M. Pigott, Bernardo Gutierrez, Alexander E. Zarebski, Munik Shrestha, John S. Brownstein, Marcia C. Castro, Christopher Dye, Huaiyu Tian, Oliver G. Pybus & Moritz U. G. Kraemer
Nature Medicine, 2020
DyPy: A Python Library for Simulating Matrix-Form Games
Anjalika Nande, Andrew Ferdowsian, Eric Lubin, Erez Yoeli, Martin Nowak
arXiv, 2020
Soft factorization in QED from 2D Kac-Moody symmetry
Anjalika Nande, Monica Pate, Andrew Strominger
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018
Full CV is available here.